Health Matters Show

Health Matters Show

Healing From Inside Out: Part 1

July 05, 2013

To initiate healing from the inside out, you must approach it like a reverent, yet doable process that includes equal portions of mind, body and spirit. It’s important to strike the proper balance of effort, respect for what must happen and finally the results.

I say this because each of us is a holy temple, made by, cared for and loved by God. He wants you to feel this level of care for yourself. And, it’s time that you (and I) started treating our bodies with such reverence.

Take a deep breath and pause for a few moments. Let this crucial fact of how truly important you are to God sink deeply into your brain. Then go a step further and imagine the feeling of what “being healthy again” can and will feel like when you accomplish it. That new energy should exhilarate you! Dear one, if your desire to be healthy is really as important to you as I think it is, then give the following points in today’s podcast your best effort to understand, adopt and begin using–NOW.

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And one more question before we go on, ask yourself “What is necessary to achieve my own best mind, body and spirit balance, while making sure I value the time and steps required for accomplishing the ultimate goal of true, lifelong healing?”

When you have at least some answer within you, proceed because I have some astounding information for you. Today, we’ll begin by me briefly reminding you of what we talked about over the last few weeks, such as the fact that healing is possible. For most people, some degree of healing is very possible. We also talked about the fact that healing does not always last long for some people. It doesn’t seem permanent. Why is that so? I believe it happens because people do not remove most (if not all) of the factors that made them susceptible to being ill in the first place. They continue to carry around the perpetrating factors of illness. Doing so allows for only temporary healing at best.

To truly heal, you have to believe that


and be determined to clean house of

everything that is standing in your way!

Think of times when a “treatment” made you feel a little better, but you soon returned to your sick and unhealthy self. Unfortunately, such a short glimpse at better health is not long term and provides no meaningful progress. The fact is your health goals are not being met: 1) to get healthy and 2) to stay healthy. On the Health Matters Show here, I’m sharing what I know about how you can attain a joyous level of health! Hang in here a bit more.

First, we must understand the problem. I liken this struggle of trying to “be” healthy (when you don’t have the proper foundation for doing so) to the futility of growing a vegetable garden in a weed bed. At first, the tender, young sprouts look similar to each other, as they peek above the soil. However, very soon the good things you’re trying to “grow” (your real vegetables) get crowded out and overtaken by the weeds (the habits and old environment already established with you)! This won’t occur or be so hard, if instead you take the time and make the effort to prepare the soil properly. Please allow the garden analogy to continue below and help you understand what needs to take place if your holy temple is to manifest abundant health. Several things need to happen:

    • Make sure the soil isn’t full of weeds or potential weed seeds. That means working it, pulling weeds and getting rid of the trouble makers.

In us humans, this is equivalent to the incredibly important process of removing those old energy patterns that caused so much damage in your past. Once removed and really conquered, it is very possible to develop new, healthy energy patterns and habits! Then, we have a healthy, internal environment going on.

    • After the step of removing the weeds, it’s time to amend the soil as needed with different compounds, such as fertilizers, compost, etc.

In us, that may mean eating more healthy, developing healthy exercise habits, surrounding ourselves with healthy, positive-minded people who encourage our personal growth and, lastly, for us to develop a meaningful spiritual life full of prayer, thankfulness and humility.

    • As the garden grows, so goes the harvest. If you want plentiful and healthy produce from your garden, it is your job to tend it well. Spend time on each element that helps you achieve the result that you want.

The same principle applies to your mind, body and spirit. Each part is vital to your being and quite important if you are to enjoy a healthy and balanced life for many years to come.

Tend to your own internal garden. The joy it gives you will aid you in producing better and better long term health. Yes, healing is possible.

Thank you for joining the Health Matters Show today. Leave a comment if you’ve experiencing some degree of healing your illness and would like to share the info -or- if you’d like to know more about “how” to do it because you’re not having good results on your own. I’m Cinda Crawford, your host.

(*After many long years of being ill, I’m enjoying good health today!)

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