Health Matters Show

Health Matters Show

Being Healthy: How to Be Healthy

June 28, 2013

Two important goals of being healthy or learning how to be healthy depend on two states of being: 1) whether you are getting healthier or 2) whether you’re dieing. That sounds harsh, but think of it this way.

The body itself is never stagnant. Cells are being born and cells are dieing through apoptosis every millisecond of your life. Health is never ever a status quo state of being.

If your cells are in a state of growth, they have the ability of also being healthier cells than the ones they are replacing. That’s the goal of eating better at every meal, reasonable exercising and sleeping soundly and for a long enough period of time each night.

Few really sick people can manage that balancing act well. Body cells become diseased or injured. Organ systems may perform poorly due to disease-like processes or abnormalities. If a “terminal” illness is in place, cells could be dieing prematurely.

In your personal state of health, both good, optimal growth and disease may be processes happening simultaneously. Whether you favor the positive side of this equation depends on which one is more prevalent! Most people have a better chance at being healthy if they have two things going for them:

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One, if you are trying to live a balanced life with equal emphasis on mind, body and spirit. The human body is not simply a shell that houses your cells, organs and tissues. It is much more. Without the influence of the mind to guide it, the body can get into lots of trouble. Without a profound influence of spirit, life may feel as if it is not worth living. Spirit adds zest, reason and comfort to us. Without an engaged spirit, that may be why some people give up on health and living, especially if they are suffering with a tough, physical illness. They are not relying on spirit and the critical influence it brings, the joy it offers to the soul and the reasons important to keeping-on-keeping-on.

Two, when the balance of mind, body and spirit is struck and firmly in place, one recognizes the prudence of seeking out the reasons for “why” he or she got ill in the first place. As mentioned last week, old traumas and the energetic damage done to the psyche often sets one up for a negative, future outcome.

If you believe you’re not worthy or you’re fat, ugly, etc., you may overeat your whole life, thus setting up your body to fail. That same unworthiness attitude can have you believing that there is no way you’ll succeed at your job, thus causing you great financial stress. That financial stress can mean you can’t afford the vitamins and supplements or health care that you really need.

We could go on with this line of thinking almost forever. The point is our thoughts and beliefs can and often do self-sabotage our current health efforts. More than just the obvious, your body registers damage, yes actual damage, from the old traumatic events. Example: if your HPA (hypothalamus pituitary adrenal axis) is not functioning well, you could react to normal life events as if they are dangerous stress. They exacerbate the dysfunction you’re feeling. Result: you have high amounts of anxiety. Look out panic attack! Here it comes!

Without exploring more what-if situations, instead, know that it’s important today for you to move beyond the old traumas in your life. That is…, if you want to be truly happy and healthy. If true healthy emotions are in charge (instead of old, unhealthy ones), you can use your wisdom and guidance. You can initiate a healthy body, engage in mindful, positive thoughts and plans and include your beliefs into every waking moment of your day knowing that your soul is a powerful guide to living. The operative word here to take home from the Health Matters Show today is CHOICE. Right this moment you are being healthy by choosing to learn how to be healthy!

That’s an excellent beginning to optimal mind, body and spirit health. Thanks for joining me today for the Health Matters Show. I’m Cinda Crawford, your host.

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