Feminine as F*ck

Feminine as F*ck

Latest Episodes

305: Live Q+A on Gut, Acne, Australia Immersion, Feminine Leadership, Vaginal Health
May 03, 2023

This episode is conversational and informative. Grab your favorite drink, or go for a short stroll, and get caught up on the latest with Monica as she answers questions live from her community on trending topics related to women's health and femininit

304: My skin journey & how to get clear skin, especially post covid-19
April 25, 2023

Your skin is an outward-facing map and a direct reflection of everything that is happening inside your body, for better or worse. You cannot hide from your skin, nor can you keep ignoring the signals it is giving you. This episode is everything you need i

303: The ultimate guide to healing bloating, gut issues, and excess weight
April 18, 2023

Gut health is one of the most complex discussions in health and wellness. Leave it to Monica to break down all of the things you need to be aware of in regard to healing your gut. She is an expert in not only energetic healing, but she also has a B.S. in

302: White Lotus | Part 2: Women want to be claimed and wanted + how to fight well
April 10, 2023

In this breakdown of White Lotus, Monica takes a deep dive into the different relationships we see in season two of the show. There is so much to learn from these relationships in such a relatable way, and Monica, of course, sheds light on how these coupl

301: Cycle syncing for the Busy Woman | Part 2
April 03, 2023

Ladies, grab a pen and paper, and save this one to come back to! This episode is part two of the fundamentals of tracking your cycle. It is short and sweet, and to the point (perfect for the busy woman) on exactly how to sustainably sync with your cycle t

300: The Fundamentals of Tracking Your Cycle | Part 1
April 03, 2023

For the 300th episode, we are dropping TWO episodes for you on the topic that put Monica on the map when she first started growing her community and building her business: your menstrual cycle. Even with more people bringing this conversation to the table

299: Are female breadwinners more likely to get cheated on?
March 27, 2023

It's no secret that more and more women are outearning their male counterparts, which, unfortunately, is also leading to more and more relationship problems. If you want to make sure you don't become one of the statistics reported on in this episo

298: Reclaiming value for the role of mother & what I am doing now to set myself up for motherhood
March 22, 2023

Whether you're planning to have kids in the near future or not so near future, this mini-episode will be one you will want to come back to! P.S. this episode is complimentary to the recent episode 292 on abortions, miscarriages, and birth, so if you m

297: Sex Life (Part 5) | Season two is here!... How to unapologetically have it ALL
March 20, 2023

SPOILER ALERT! If you havent watched the first two episodes of Season 2 of Sex/Life, then you might want to before listening to this podcast episode. Between all the yummy new characters and hot elevator sex, you may have missed some key learnings, but d

296: What's really causing the increase in burnout and women's mental load? (Men, listen to this, too)
March 13, 2023

Women oftentimes feel like they have to do it all and can never catch a break due to the internal pressure they put on themselves and the mental load of endless to-dos. Monica is here to remind you that it does not have to feel overwhelming, you do not ha