Feminine as F*ck

Feminine as F*ck

Latest Episodes

325: How To Set Yourself Up For Being THAT Mumma In PP & Motherhood - Optimizing Fertility & Cultivating Your Village with Millie Poppins aka "The Billionaire's Babysitter" (Men, listen to this!!)
August 30, 2023

Let’s just say that today’s conversation with Millie Poppins, aka “The Billionaire Babysitter,” is one you’ll want to definitely take notes on & then immediately send the link to your man because he NEEDS to be in on this too!! We’re talking preparing

324: What's Coming Up Next? | Program Launches, In-Person Events, PLUS How I'm Shifting My Content & The Way I Show Up On Instagram Going Into Wedding Season + Preparing For Motherhood
August 25, 2023

A little quickie news broadcast style episode to share more on what you can expect from MYH coming up over the next 6 months to a year! Monicas sharing the nitty gritty on upcoming program launches, juicy details about upcoming in-person events, PLUS h

323: How To Be "Empoweredly Submissive" In Your Relationship, Business, & Manifestations - AKA Everything You Need To Know About Softening Into Your Feminine, Boundaries, and Trauma
August 23, 2023

Todays new podcast episode (323) is all about how to be empoweredly submissive and, yes, Monica knows that empoweredly is not actually a word, but shes making it one as she unpacks the topic of feminine submission, and spoiler alert it might not

322: Everything You Need To Know About How Trauma Affects Your Comfort Zone (Hint: You NEED This If You Want To Expand)
August 16, 2023

Grab your notebook and get ready to write faster than you ever have as you listen to this JUICY episode breaking down everything you need to know about trauma and how it affects your comfort zone (and whether you stay in it forever or finally break free a

321: THE BARBIE MOVIE - Monica's Hot Take On Empowerment, Emasculation, Feminism, And Where Did Nicholas Sparks Go!?!
August 09, 2023

You asked, and Monicas excited to deliver! Today, shes giving you her unfiltered, fiery hot take on the BARBIE MOVIE. All of the cringe moments included.Weve seriously never received this many DMs at one time on any topic before.. you guys seriousl

320: The Mother Wound And Its Link To Your Feminine Blueprint, Plus Why Our Generation Is Obsessed With Being A "Girl Boss"
August 02, 2023

Well we talked all things the daddy wound in episode 318 (linked below), it only makes sense that we unpack the MOMMY wound next, yeah!?So thats what todays episode is alllllll about! Monica is giving you the nitty gritty on what the mother wound is,

319: The Gifts & Shadows Of The '4 Flavours Of The Feminine' - Creating Your Own Feminine Blueprint, Plus How This Relates To Your Business & Branding
July 26, 2023

Were unraveling the multi-faceted expression of the FEMININE in todays podcast one of the topics that Monica is not only most known for, but is also asked about constantly the idea of being more in our feminine, and what that even means or looks like

318: Unpacking The Daddy Wound - Why The Majority Of Women Have It (Even If You Had The Idyllic Childhood), Plus How It's Holding You Back From Feeling Safe In Your Life, Relationships, & Business
July 19, 2023

DADDY WOUNDS. Weve all got them to some degree (especially as women), and the truth is - they could be whats holding you back from feeling truly safe in your life, business, and relationship and therefore the very thing thats keeping you from manifes

317: They’re Putting Profit Over People’s Health - Everything You Need To Know (and what you haven’t heard yet) In Order To Make EDUCATED Choices When It Comes To Your Food & Water with Courtney Swan
July 12, 2023

Monicas conversation with Courtney Swan of @realfoodology is about to blow your MIND. Truly. Were going beyond the basics and having an unfiltered conversation on everything you NEED to know to make the most educated choices for yourself and your health

316: Monica’s Hot Take on Porn & Porn “Addiction” in Your Relationship - Sexual Desires, Shame, Comparisonitis, Double Standards, and How to Have Hard Conversations with Your Partner on Touchy Topics
July 05, 2023

ASK, & you shall receive. Ooooh this conversation is a HOT-button one. Monica has been asked her take on porn & porn addiction for yearsssss, and today shes finally give it to you straight (no chaser)In this episode, Monicas covering: W