Feminine as F*ck

Feminine as F*ck

Latest Episodes

276: Kelli interviews Monica on sex, spirituality, & her own healing journey
November 28, 2022

Monica is in the hot seat this week We're re-releasing this episode of Kelli Moore's Podcast 'Ok, Babe.' where Kelli interviews Monica as a guest on her show. It's refreshing to see Monica take off her coaching cap for a moment to allow her listeners to

275: Q+A - sex, men, dating
November 21, 2022

This is one of the JUICIEST episodes Monica has dropped in a while. Why? Because she answers questions straight from YOU - the Feminine as F*ck community. You wanted it? You got it. Monica breaks down: How to ask for what you want in bed What's t

274: Everything to know for Black Friday!
November 18, 2022

YES - Monica is in fact doing a BLACK FRIDAY SALE this year!! She has never done a Black Friday sale before and it may be the only one she ever does. Everything you need to know (lots of information) is in this episode, so listen carefully & tell yo

273: Is it time to give up on Dating Apps?
November 14, 2022

Using dating apps can be oh so frustrating and draining, to say the least. We've all been there. Leave it to relationship expert, Monica Yates, to light the way down the dark tunnel of the dating apps experience. In this episode you get: How to meet hig

272: the Lover vs. the Mother
November 07, 2022

Ladies - hold on to your seats, because Monica is not holding back in this episode. If you feel like you are the one leading in your relationship, or you simply haven't been able to find THE one yet, this episode might trigger you, but it's the harsh trut

271: The disease of people pleasing
November 02, 2022

If you are struggling in any way with your identity or think you may be a people pleaser, this one is for you. In this episode, Monica breaks down people pleasing from all sides. Youll learn why people develop this trait and how to identify signs of peop

270: Religious trauma, the difference between God and the Church
October 31, 2022

In this episode, Monica dissects what religion really is from an objective point of view. She intentionally explains throughout the episode her own experiences, in contrast to her analysis of what society is taught about religion, as well as, the impacts

269: WWMD: My boyfriend left me and I want him back
October 26, 2022

In this episode, Monica gives so much good advice to a heartbroken listener, who's boyfriend just left her and the desire to separate was not mutual. This kind of situation can be soul crushing. But, it can also be an opportunity to do some deep work on y

268: Is co-dependency always bad? What does a healthy relationship actually look like?
October 24, 2022

We've all heard the term co-dependency painted as something very negative. Well - there are in fact healthy versions of co-dependency and unhealthy versions. In this episode, Monica shows you all the green and red flags to watch out for in your relationsh

267: How you can prevent trauma in your children & break ancestral patterns/trauma
October 19, 2022

This episode is for all parents or anyone who wishes to become one. Monica has successfully helped many parents prevent passing along their trauma to their children and this episode is full of helpful tips you can start implementing on your own. She expla