Latest Episodes
Mitigating Mifepristone Madness
Dr. Dara Kass and Dr. Sophia Spadafore discuss mifepristone prescribing in emergency departments in light of recent events. Important resources include: M&A Hotline, You Always Have Options, and the W
Uncomfortably Numb…the Impact of Alcoholism
In her very powerful talk Uncomfortably Numbthe Impact of Alcoholism Dr. Ogle recounts her life with an abusive parent. Watch the video version of her talk and read her blog ...
My Unexpected Use of Postpartum: How my Postpartum Depression Made Me a Better Doctor
The line separating physicians from patients is thin, and it is not something we should be afraid of. Our shared experiences and humanity can make our practice stronger. Nicole Battaglioli, MD is currently an Assistant Professor at the Emory University...
Unleashing Your Inner Witch or Wizard
In this FIX19 podcast, Dr. Shyam Sivasankar, an Emergency Medicine trained Pediatric EM physician, explores his love of Harry Potter and reveals how embracing his inner Hermione helped him become a better doctor. Watch the video version of his talk...
You Need a Walk-Up Song!
Dr. Joelle Borhart graduated from the University of Iowa College of Medicine and completed emergency medicine residency training at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C. She is currently an Associate Program Director and Associate Professor of Emer...
Women Leaders in a Man’s House
Dr. Tsion Firew is an assistant professor of Emergency Medicine and Global Health Faculty at Columbia University and she also serves as an advisor to the Minister of Health of Ethiopia on Strategic Partnership and Emergency Care.
You Are More Powerful Than You Think
Dr. Hannah Janeway is currently an International and Domestic Health Equity and Leadership (IDHEAL) Fellow at UCLA. Her current work is focused on vulnerable populations at the US-Mexico border, utilizing healthcare as a mechanism for social justice,
Bruh…that’s not okay: Intersectional Ally Behaviors
Dr. Anwar Osborne is an associate professor of both internal medicine and emergency medicine at Emory University. He serves as an assistant program director for the EM residency. He is a national expert in observation medicine and has published multip...
Diversity in Travel: What a Doctor Looks Like
Yvette McQueen, MD is a global physician on a mission to education about health, travel wellness and disease prevention. She is an Emergency Medicine Physician and Travel Doctor, working as a physician across the US and the Caribbean. In her...
On the Front Lines of Climate Change
Dr. Emily Sbiroli is a current third year emergency medicine resident at UC San Diego Health. She has been passionate about climate change since childhood and plans to pursue a fellowship in Climate and Health after residency. In her FIX19...