Fed+Fit Podcast

Fed+Fit Podcast

Ep. 191: The Rainbow Diet with Dr. Deanna Minich

January 28, 2019

On today's episode I'm chatting with Dr. Deanna Minich all about her concept of The Rainbow Diet, which is a way to help you to understand the physical and energetic properties of foods through their colors, and the "seven systems."

We're back with our 191st episode of the Fed+Fit Podcast! Remember to check back every Monday for a new episode and be sure to subscribe on iTunes!

Find us HERE on iTunes and be sure to "subscribe."

Episode 191 Links:

Visit Dr. Minich's website HERE.

Take The Spectrum Quiz HERE.

What is The Rainbow Diet?  Find out HERE.

Order your copy of The Rainbow Diet HERE.

Order your copy of The Whole Detox HERE.

Order your copy of Chakra Foods for Optimum Health HERE.

Episode 191 Sponsors and Featured Partners

Pride of Bristol Bay - Sustainable, hiqh-quality, nutritious, and wild-caught Alaskan Sockeye Salmon delivered right to your door!  Use the code "fedandfit" to get $40 off your first order!

Episode 191 transcription

Cassy Joy: Today’s show is brought to you by the Fed and Fit Team! We wanted to tell you about our brand new book; Cook Once, Eat all Week. This book is hitting shelves April 23 of this year, and is finally an answer to the big, hairy, meal prep riddle. We are solving two really big problems with this book.

Number one, we have found a way to save you loads of time on meal prep. And number two; this concept is designed to save you a lot of money on your groceries, while still getting a fresh, delicious, healthy dinner on the table.

The concept is simple; we take big batch protein; veggies, a big thing of veggies, and another either second veggie or a starch, and prepare them on what is considered your prep day. Minimal time in the kitchen. Then we walk you through how to assemble the prepared and/or cooked components into three different, delicious, fresh meals. We include shopping lists, detailed prep day instructions, macros for those who need them. We have egg-free, dairy-free, nut-free, gluten-free, all the frees considerations. And we wrote every single recipe in the book to be as family friendly as possible.

This book includes 26 weeks’ worth of meal-prep; that’s half a year. A handful of other especially fast dinner ideas. And an extensive outline for storage and reheating best practices. Tens of thousands of people followed along; many of you are listening! Followed along when we released the Cook Once, Eat all Week blog series last year. And we are so thrilled to bring you even more of this life-changing meal prep approach.

Cook Once, Eat All Week is available for preorder right now on Amazon. Thank you so much for your support, and for sharing this concept with your friends and family. So many of you talked about it on social media, talked about it in your stories. Told your friends to go preorder the book. It just means the world to us. And it really actually makes a difference in the fate of this book. So thank you so much for your support. Thank you for ordering it, preordering it, and getting excited. It’s going to be out so soon! You can catch al ink to the preorder in the show notes, or you can just head on over to Amazon and type in Cook Once, Eat all Week.

Cassy Joy: Welcome back to another episode of the Fed and Fit podcast. I am your host, Cassy Joy Garcia. And I am really excited about today’s episode. I’ve been looking forward to this one for a while. We have invited Dr. Deanna Minich onto the show. We’re going to talk about chakra foods for optimal health. And I’m going to tell you a little bit about her, and then allow her to introduce herself, and we’re going to get into some of these questions.
