Fed+Fit Podcast

Ep. 190: How to Recover from a Binge
On today's episode I'm going to be walking you through my tips on how to recover from a binge. It's a topic that not many people love to talk about, but because we're imperfect, the chances are we've all been there at one time or another! No shame, no guilt, just actionable steps to keep moving forward.
We're back with our 190th episode of the Fed+Fit Podcast! Remember to check back every Monday for a new episode and be sure to subscribe on iTunes!
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Episode 190 Sponsors and Featured Partners
Capilano Beeotic - 100% Australian Honey with natural prebiotics to support gut health, Click HERE to get your own!
Pride of Bristol Bay - Sustainable, hiqh-quality, nutritious, and wild-caught Alaskan Sockeye Salmon delivered right to your door! Use the code "fedandfit" to get $40 off your first order!
Episode 190 transcription
Cassy Joy: Today’s show is brought to you by Capilano Beeotic Honey! Beeotic Honey is 100% pure natural Australian honey from the highest quality beekeeping families. It’s my favorite sweeteners for tea, a key ingredient in my jalapeno lime margaritas, my secret to chewier cookies, and it’s perfect for dressings or for drizzling over my morning yogurt. Best of all, Beeotic helps support gut and digestive health with 340 mg of naturally occurring prebiotic oligosaccharides per serving. These prebiotics nourish good gut bacteria, which is even more important for keeping us healthy during the winter months. You can grab your own Beeotic Honey at Walmart and Walmart.com starting at $9.98.
Cassy Joy: Welcome back to another episode of the Fed and Fit podcast. I am your host, Cassy Joy Garcia. And I excited about today’s episode, because we are going to tackle a very popular topic. {laughs} It’s popular, but we’re all secretly interested in it. It’s not necessarily something that we want to broadcast and share with the world. So instead, I’m going to broadcast it and share it with the world {laughs} so you can maybe get some tips for something that I feel like might be very relatable for so, so many of us.
Today we’re going to talk about how to recover from a binge. And let’s define that, because I’m not necessarily talking about; I guess it could relate to just about any binge. Minus the scary dangerous ones {laughing}. Talking about food binges, maybe a weekend and you went out with your girlfriends and you had way more wine than you normally have. Or cocktails and desserts. Everything was on your plate.
There are a couple of things at play here. If you are in the middle of a reset, or in the middle of some sort of dietary or wellness challenge, then you might feel like you just messed up. Because you're probably not feeling well, and that willpower muscle that you were working on building these last several days or weeks or however long you’ve been in the challenge, you kind of start to feel like; oh my goodness! Did I just go backwards in all the progress I had made?
So you have this mental battle of guilt, and wondering; how much damage did I just do that I’m going to have to try to undo? Am I going to have to go through that whole thing again? Am I going to have to go and work from the beginning all over again just to get back to where I was? Those are the things that rattle around in our heads.
And I’m saying this because I’ve been there, y’all. I have been there. I’ve gotten to the point where; maybe it was a special occasion. Maybe it was a wedding. And I said; oh, it’s a wedding. I’m just going to go ahead and have the cake and the; what’s, beef wellington is a really good example. Beef wellington is one of those dishes; it’s beef wrapped in all kinds of yummy things, but also is a puff pastry of some sort wrapped around...