Fed+Fit Podcast

Ep. 189: 7 Reasons NOT to Diet
On today's episode I'm going deep and chatting at length about 7 reasons not to diet. This special episode gets down to the REAL reasons why dieting might be hurting you more than it's helping you!
We're back with our 189th episode of the Fed+Fit Podcast! Remember to check back every Monday for a new episode and be sure to subscribe on iTunes!
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Episode 189 Sponsors and Featured Partners
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Episode 189 transcription
Cassy Joy: Welcome back to another episode of the Fed and Fit podcast. I am your host, Cassy Joy Garcia. And I am excited to be back today. It has been; man. We’re just two weeks in, and it’s been quite a year already {laughs} hasn’t it? Anybody else? Anyone else feel like it’s been quite a year already?
We are gearing up for probably; not probably. The biggest year of Fed and Fit. And it is very exciting. Lots of moving parts and pieces. Lots of really fabulous contributors on board to help make things bigger and better. And just; it’s shaping up folks, we’re getting there.
Ok, so. I couldn’t help but give y’all that little update. Today we’re going to talk about 7 reasons not to diet. Now let me just throw in a really quick disclaimer. I am not saying that you do not need to diet. If that is something that you're listening and you're in the middle of a diet and you feel really good about it and you're making improvements that you would not have made otherwise, and you believe this is the right choice for you; then by all means, continue. Keep doing that. Tune out. You can come back and listen to this later if you decide that you might need to hear what I’ve got to say today at a different time.
But, if you're the kind of person that is looking for maybe a different perspective on diets. And maybe you would like to know from a different vantage point. What else should I be considering, or could I be considering when it comes to diets? Aside from the onslaught of commercials, and lose 20 pounds by spring break kind of advertisements that we’re being just peppered with right now. So that’s what we’re going to chat about.
I have come up with seven reasons not to diet. And I have lots of good reasons for these reasons, and we’re going to go through them one by one. I hope that they are helpful. I hope that the help you make a very informed decision on what is the right path forward for you. And again, like I said, at the end of the day; and I say this in a lot of my work. I really don’t care what you choose. I just care that you have all the information so that you can choose powerfully.
Alrighty. So if you're looking for a reason not to diet, reason number one {laughs}; because I definitely, my take on then, which we’ll obviously expand today. My take on diets are that they aren’t actually as necessary as we might think they are to achieve what we thin we want to achieve. So reason number one not to diet; you are an entirely unique individual. Nobody looks like you. Nobody acts like you. Has your upbringing. Your laugh. Your voice. Your talents. Or your preferences.
Which is why there is no reason at all to think that an out of the box, non-custom diet is going to fit you perfectly. Right? It’s like trying to fit a square peg into a round hole. It’s just, you're never going to find a diet that feels perfect for you. Because you are entirely unique. Ok? Just let that sink in.
I’m going to roll through these really quickly,