Fed+Fit Podcast

Fed+Fit Podcast

Ep. 188: Body Kindness

January 07, 2019

On today's episode, I'm chatting with Rebecca Scritchfield, RDN, EPC all about the ideas of body kindness, ditching diets, and finding a sweet spot where nutrition, taste, and pleasure are combined to create a sustainable way of living and relating to your body.  This episode is such a wealth of knowledge and I can't wait to share it!

We're back with our 188th episode of the Fed+Fit Podcast! Remember to check back every Monday for a new episode and be sure to subscribe on iTunes!

Find us HERE on iTunes and be sure to "subscribe."

Episode 188 Links:

Find Rebecca's blog HERE.

Find Rebecca on Instagram HERE.

Grab your own copy of Body Kindness HERE.

Episode 188 Sponsors and Featured Partners

Capilano Beeotic - 100% Australian Honey with natural prebiotics to support gut health, Click HERE to get your own!
Pride of Bristol Bay - Sustainable, hiqh-quality, nutritious, and wild-caught Alaskan Sockeye Salmon delivered right to your door!  Use the code "fedandfit" to get $40 off your first order!

Episode 188 transcription

Cassy Joy: Today’s show is brought to you by Capilano Beeotic Honey! Beeotic Honey is 100% pure Australian honey that contains naturally occurring prebiotics. It’s my favorite sweeteners for tea, a key ingredient in my jalapeno lime margaritas, my secret to chewier cookies, and it’s perfect for dressings or for drizzling over my morning yogurt. Best of all, Beeotic helps support gut and digestive health with 340 mg of naturally occurring prebiotic oligosaccharides per serving. These prebiotics help nourish good gut bacteria, which is even more important for keeping us healthy during the winter months. You can grab your own Beeotic Honey at Walmart and Walmart.com starting at $9.98.

Cassy Joy: Welcome back to another episode of the Fed and Fit podcast. I am your host; oh, and happy New Year! {laughs} So exciting. I am your host, and back with a really fabulous guest interview. We wanted to kick the year off really well. Set the tone. We have invited Rebecca Scritchfield; did I say your name right, Rebecca? Normally I ask before I record.

Rebecca Scritchfield: That’s great! You did it perfectly.

Cassy Joy: {laughs} We’re going to roll with it.

Rebecca Scritchfield: {laughs}

Cassy Joy: I told her. I was like; I just like; it’s an informal show. So we’re going to follow through on that. So let me tell you a little bit about her. I really love this bio. She says; what if you accepted yourself just as you are, and treated your body with kindness? Rebecca Scritchfield is an award-winning health at every size dietician and exercise physiologist. She is the author of the book; Body Kindness. Transform your health from the inside out and never say diet again. Amen sister! And she’s the host of the Body Kindness Podcast. She has a free anti-diet get started course at bodykindnessbook.com/start. And she provides private counseling, virtual support groups, workshops, e-courses, and more. You can follow her on Instagram at Rebecca Scritchfield.

So welcome to the show Rebecca! I’m so excited to chat today.

Rebecca Scritchfield: Thanks for having me.

Cassy Joy: Oh my goodness, thank you for coming on. I’m sitting in our guest room in San Angelo, Texas. We’re visiting family. And I just; it’s so funny being around a bunch of folks. I mean, everyone you can feel that they’re on the cusp; they’re like; should I do a diet? It’s 2019. Rebecca and I are talking on January 1st. So a lot of this New Year energy going on right now. And it’s just so interesting what this time of year, the commercials we see, and the things that we consume on social media. There’s just so much out there.