Fed+Fit Podcast

Ep. 186: Rethinking Your Resolutions
On today's episode, I'm chatting about why it might be a good year to rethink your traditional New Years resolution strategy, and brainstorming some ways to look at the new year differently!
We're back with our 186th episode of the Fed+Fit Podcast! Remember to check back every Monday for a new episode and be sure to subscribe on iTunes!
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Episode 186 Sponsors and Featured Partners
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Episode 186 Transcription
Cassy Joy: Welcome back to another episode of the Fed and Fit podcast. I am your host, Cassy Joy Garcia. And I hope this finds you well, and merry, and bright, and light. {Laughs} And all the wonderful things that are going on this time of year. I’m sitting here drinking Topo Chico, which is a sparkling water, out of a wine glass. So it’s extra festive. And what we’re talking about today is rethinking your resolution.
Every year, I like to address resolutions head on. Really look the them right in the eyes, stare them down. Figure out why they work, why they don’t work. Why do they sometimes feel like such a good idea, and then they turn out to feel like the worst idea ever. Or they turn into a trap door that we fall through and we feel really bad about ourselves. Resolutions are really tricky.
And if you're thinking about them; maybe you're not the resolution type of person. And I absolutely get that. But if you are the resolution kind of person, I think this is a very timely conversation. And even if you are not the resolution kind of person, I think you're going to enjoy today’s episode.
We’re talking about rethinking your resolutions. And what you're not going to hear me say is you're not going to hear me talk about coming up with a theme for 2019. I’m not going to talk about having a buzzword, or even a specific goal. We’re not going to talk about that. We’re not going to talk about how to come up with an exact metric that you can use as your resolution for 2019. We’re not going to say; I’m going to eat healthier in 2019 and I’m going to do this, and I’m going to do that!
Because when we say what we are going to do in that tone, and in this context of; it’s late December BUT in 2019 I’m GOING to do blah, blah, blah. If I could capitalize the but, and the going, I would in that sentence. Because those are the two things wrong IMHO; in my humble opinion, wrong with New Year’s Resolutions.
Because, we see them as contrary to our current way of living; as the but. Right? We see them as against the way we’re living right now. And GOING; I’m GOING TO means, I’m not doing it now but I will. I’m going to do this one day. And it comes across like a wish. Like a hope and a wish. It doesn’t sound like you have a whole lot of buy in, is what I’m trying to get at.
When you say; I’m going to do this in 2019, it sounds a heck of a lot like you are not identifying as that person and as that resolution. It’s not real in your head yet, and you almost are waiting for the year to prove it to you that it’s actually going to happen. I hope this is making sense. Hopefully someone around is nodding their head while they listen.
So, how do we rethink a resolution? Aside from saying, I’m going to lose 20 pounds in 2019. But in the meantime, I’m going to go ahead and gargle some eggnog. Right? It doesn’t feel real. It feels like a wish, and saying; I’m justifying my overindulgence in 2018. And you guys know that I have no problem with indulging.