Fathom: In Conversation

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Back to the future
For the quote referenced and more observations on early 20th-century China, see: W.Y. Fullerton and C.E. Wilson, New China: A Story of Modern Travel, London 1910, p. 234. - We hope you’ve enjoyed listening to the first series of our podcast.
Doubling down at the double
Notes from Fathom Consulting referred to in this episode: - https://www.fathom-consulting.com/research-notes/too-close-to-the-state-to-fail/ - https://www.fathom-consulting.com/research-notes/china-heading-for-the-slow-lane/ - https://www.
China, ready for a diet?
Notes from Fathom Consulting referred to in this episode: - https://www.fathom-consulting.com/research-notes/chinas-hokey-cokey-approach-to-reform/ - - Fathom: In Conversation is a podcast from Fathom Consulting. - Host: Andrew Harris -
Does China challenge US hegemony?
For more about the Thucydides Trap, see: https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2015/09/united-states-china-war-thucydides-trap/406756/ - Here's the clip from The Wire which Kevin refers to in this episode. - -
Digging your way out of a hole
Notes from Fathom Consulting referred to in this episode: - https://www.fathom-consulting.com/research-notes/china-is-due-a-banking-crisis/ - https://www.fathom-consulting.com/research-notes/chinas-ticking-npl-time-bomb/ - -
The global financial crisis: Made in China
Notes from Fathom Consulting referred to in this episode: - https://www.fathom-consulting.com/research-notes/the-is-and-the-ought-of-net-trade/ - https://www.fathom-consulting.com/research-notes/trade-wars-its-all-in-the-game/ - https://www.
China leapfrogging up the global value chain
Notes from Fathom Consulting referred to in this episode: - https://www.fathom-consulting.com/research-notes/chinas-latest-power-grab-all-hot-air/ - https://www.fathom-consulting.com/research-notes/china-using-capital-flows-to-leapfrog-up-the-global-...
The day that changed the world
Notes from Fathom Consulting referred to in this episode: - https://www.fathom-consulting.com/research-notes/china-needs-fiscal-reform-to-rebalance/ - https://www.fathom-consulting.com/made-china-worlds-biggest-travel-spenders/ - -
China, the elephant in the room
For the quote referenced at the start of the episode, and more observations on early 20th-century China, see: W.Y. Fullerton and C.E. Wilson, New China: A Story of Modern Travel, London 1910, p. 234. - For more information on the ‘Elephant Curve’,
Episode is 6:16 minutes long. - Fathom: In Conversation is a podcast from Fathom Consulting. - Host: Andrew Harris - Editor and Producer: Leara Gabay - Music: bensound.com - If you have any questions