Father's Vision Ministries

Father's Vision Ministries

Latest Episodes

Pastor Sharon Fields - The gate of vision
March 10, 2019

There are 5 senses and there are 5 gates that guard the soul and spirit. Acts 9:1-18.

Spiritual Warfare - Guard your gates
March 05, 2019

There are 5 gates. Tonight we discuss the eye gates and why we should guard that gate. Without a relationship with God you might have eyes and no spiritual sight.

Pastor Sharon - Body, Spirit, Soul
March 03, 2019

What is the purpose of the body, sprit, and soul?

Prophet James - Put God First
February 17, 2019

Daniel 3:3-27 You might go through the furnace but you'll come out without evidence. When you seek God first your desires will be added unto you

Pastor Sharon - Acts 16:16-28
February 10, 2019

Divination - There is no bondage above Jesus.

Pastor Sharon - 1 Thessalonians 5:15-21 Evil for Evil is not the way.
February 03, 2019

Evil for Evil is not the way of the Lord. We must love one another regardless of offense. Offense will come but how will you respond?

Pastor Sharon - Prayer
February 02, 2019

A prayer for our country and government.

Pastor Sharon - Job 1:13-19
January 27, 2019

Do you have your own relationship with Christ or are you riding off someone else's faith and relationship?

Prophet Fields - You Can't Hide From God
January 20, 2019

Matthew 5:27-30 you can't hide what you do from God. Will you change and follow God or will you allow yourself to be overtaken?

John 5:4-9
January 13, 2019

Are you busy trying to be first? Be careful not to miss the miracle that is taking place behind you.