
Ted Gammell
In this episode, Mark chats with Ted Gammell, a father of five. Ted shares what he learned along the way, as well as what it's like to get plugged in to a new church after becoming a parent. He goes into detail about some unique ways he brings faith into the household.
In this episode, Ted mentions the Via De Christo Retreat. Via de Cristo is a Spanish phrase meaning ‘Way of Christ.’ This phrase has been adopted to refer to a powerful, three-day retreat ministry. The highly structured weekend retreats begin on Thursday evening and end on Sunday evening.
They are designed to strengthen and renew the faith of Christian leaders and bring them to a new awareness of living in God’s grace. The weekends are led by laypeople and supervised by clergy. Christians of all denominations are welcome. The objective of the Retreat is to inspire, challenge, and equip local church members for Christian action in their homes, churches, and communities, and ultimately to win the world for Christ!
While I believe Via de Cristo may have roots in the Lutheran Church, it is not a ‘Lutheran’ program, and many protestant church denominations participate and organize Retreats.
The Via De Christo organization in Ted’s area is based out of Hagerstown, more information can be found at https://www.vineyardviadecristo.org
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