Fast Marketing Minute with Marketing and PR Expert Robin Samora

Fast Marketing Minute with Marketing and PR Expert Robin Samora

Audio Content Shortcuts to Market Your Brand

August 29, 2022

With over two million podcasts, leveraging audio content is one of the fastest-growing new PR strategies. How do you start? Listen in.

So how much content do you have? Why not repurpose some of your blogs, articles, and videos and leverage that content to promote your brand. Here are some marketing shortcuts.

1) Edit audio and podcasts on Audacity

Even if you’re a total beginner, recording and editing a podcast on Audacity is simple. You can record, edit and publish all in one place. It’s actually the free audio tool that I use to record the #FastMarketingMinute.

2) Create and share podcasts on

Anchor is another podcast platform, owned by Spotify. Anchor FM is a free tool that lets you create and distribute your podcast to any listening app. Another feature is that you can create video content to go with your podcast. So then, you can distribute to even more channels.

3) Maximize cross-channel promotion

Why not turn one video into ten or more pieces of different content? That lets you take your ideas as far as they can go and saves you time in the process. One of the tools that I use is Reinventing the wheel for social media can be exhausting. Don’t let it be!

I’m Robin Samora with the Fast Marketing Minute. I‘m a small business marketing and PR expert and write marketing and PR plans to help you increase sales and visibility. If you’re wondering what marketing can do for your business, visit me at then schedule a call. Talk soon!