Fast Marketing Minute with Marketing and PR Expert Robin Samora

Fast Marketing Minute with Marketing and PR Expert Robin Samora

5 Marketing Tips to Build a Stand-Out Brand

April 01, 2021

Building a brand can take your life from behind the scenes to in the spotlight. Listen to some key branding tips coming right up.

5 Marketing Tips to Build a Stand-Out Brand 

1. Build your online platform with a goal. What’s the purpose of your content? Make sure your message is authentic so you can build your brand from the bottom up with a solid foundation. That helps you stand apart from your competitors on social media and your own digital footprint.

2. Be consistent. If you have a logo or tagline, use them everywhere that’s appropriate in your branding. If there’s a question, refer to your style guide. Content should be aligned with your brand -- and nothing too risky unless that’s what your brand is all about.

3. Don’t let the haters get you down. You can’t please everyone. I said it. Instead, direct your focus on who you want to attract as an audience and connect with them in a real way. Think about doing business with your ideal client and attracting them with your content and vibe. After all, a personal and business brand is a vibe and people will judge you on it. Good or bad. Make it awesome!

4. Engage to create brand loyalty. Have fans or customers who love your brand? Reach out and thank them! Encourage your readers or viewers to share the love online. Positive engagement, as simple as being warm and genuine on Google My Business, creates the possibility of creating a personal relationship.

5. Keep your eyes open. Are there brands that complement your own? Think about contacting them for co-marketing to enhance your brand identity and reputation. Do you follow a competitor? Keep an eye out for what makes them stand out. This can inspire you to do something different or take you to the next level of what you’re offering to stay current.

I’m Robin Samora with the Fast Marketing Minute. My passion is low-cost marketing to help you grow your business. Check out my website at and let’s connect. Talk soon!