Fast Marketing Minute with Marketing and PR Expert Robin Samora
5 Common Social Media Marketing Traps
Don’t let social media run you. Here are some pitfalls to watch out for.
Social media marketing done the right way will help grow your business and a community. Done the wrong way, there are some major pitfalls.
5 Common Social Media Marketing Traps
1. Not paying attention. If you want to be successful, you need to focus on what you’re doing, and that includes social media. It’s easy to make mistakes, say the wrong thing, or offend someone. Pay attention to get attention.
2. Wasting valuable time. Sound familiar? You get on social media, scroll a bit, and before you know it, you’ve wasted an hour. It’s one thing if you’re at home, but when you’re on the clock, you can’t afford to lose time. Be clear on your goals, set a timer, and get the job done.
3. Thinking SEO isn’t important. SEO and optimizing your posts help search engines find you, boost your rating, and drive traffic to your site, hopefully lots. Designate one person or a social squad to be in charge of social media and optimize like crazy.
4. There’s too much on your plate. One of my daughter’s has a sign that says, ‘less is more’ and she’s right. Concentrate on a couple of social platforms, develop great content, and stop stressing about posting every single day on every platform. Be strategic. Avoid spray and pray marketing.
5. Stay away from controversial subjects. A brand is how you make someone feel. Going on a rant can be problematic and have a long-term effect, including losing customers and followers. Protect the reputation you work so hard for.
I’m Robin Samora with the Fast Marketing Minute. Visit my website at for more marketing and PR tips on how to grow your business and brand. Talk soon!