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Science & Stigma, Epithets & Genetics - 7/21/2006 (VNN - The Truth Is No Defense with Geoff Beck)
July 14, 2016

Science & Stigma, Epithets & Genetics - 7/21/2006 (VNN - The Truth Is No Defense with Geoff Beck)

A Philosopher’s Education
July 14, 2016

1,144 words Author’s Note: Years ago, a high school student asked me about majoring in philosophy in college. This is my answer.  My own education should not be a model. I made many mistakes I hope you will not repeat.  The Great Books The

15 Types of Anti-Trump Commenters
July 14, 2016

1,762 words Yes, this is a listicle. The (((New York Times))) recently ran an article titled “For Whites Sensing Decline, Donald Trump Unleashes Words of Resistance,” which contains a good survey of archetypical anti-Trump commenters. It shoul

Does America Need Black Troops?
July 14, 2016

2,472 words Let’s face it, it wasn’t that much of a surprise when a gunman was motivated to murder cops by the Black Lives Matter movement. Black Lives Matter has a malignant genius. It can claim to be a liberty-loving group of citizens petiti

Dinosaur News: Personality vs. Dogma (7-13-16)
July 13, 2016

Dinosaur News John Beattie covers some of the news related to turmoil in America, politics in Britain, and how the success of our movement relies on the personalities of our proponents and personal relationships within the legal underground.… Read

CCN – UnSpun 030 – “Steve McMurray – MKULTRA Australia”
July 13, 2016

Aired July 12-13, 2016. Steve McMurray of www.mcmurrayreport.com joins Joe Atwill and Jan Irvin discuss MKULTRA Australia. Audio only:

StateOfNation - Nationalism: Keeping It Simple
July 13, 2016

StateOfNation is a 24-year-old British man living in Italy who produces the YouTube channel of the same name. Among his noteworthy videos are “Nationalism in 90 Seconds” and “The Demographic Decline of Britain.” In this discussion

Truth Hertz: The Lying Fire-Breathing Yahweh (7-13-16)
July 13, 2016

Truth Hertz Charles discusses the role of Satan in the Bible, some of the BS stories, and how many of the prophecies in the Bible never came true, and likely never will.… Read the rest The post Truth Hertz: The Lying Fire-Breathing Dragon (7-13-16

American Patriotism
July 13, 2016

1,223 words Translated by Guillaume Durocher. Editor’s Note: Taken from Alexis de Tocqueville, De la Démocratie en Amérique (Paris: Gallimard, 1986), vol. 1, “Public Spirit in the United States,” 353-56. The title is editor

A Scene at the Beach
July 13, 2016

1,625 words The other day, I had one of those fist-trembling moments. I was at the beach, waiting in line to buy a cheap lunch at a food truck. The person taking orders was a congenial, light-skinned, middle-aged black who was carrying on an intermittent