

Latest Episodes

Democracy: The God That Failed
July 18, 2016

8,196 words Editor’s Note: This is the transcript by V. S. of Richard Spencer’s Vanguard Podcast interview of Jonathan Bowden about democracy. You can listen to the podcast here.  Richard Spencer: Hello, everyone! Today it’s a great

July 18, 2016

30 words Millennial Woes’ “Re-Imagine” is a White Nationalist re-imagining of John Lennon’s loathsome “Communist nursery rhyme” “Imagine,” with ambient music by Xurious. Click here to listen on Soundcloud, a

Right-Wing Critics of American Conservatism de George Hawley
July 18, 2016

2,556 words English original here George Hawley Right-Wing Critics of American Conservatism Lawrence, Kansas: University Press of Kansas, 2016 La mayoría de los estudios académicos sobre el Nacionalismo Blanco y la Nueva Derecha no sobresale

The Sixty MillionThe Roots of Zionism, Part 2
July 18, 2016

5,003 words Part 2 of 4 What Was Traditional Jewish Society Like Before Emancipation? By the early 1800s, when Napoleon brought about emancipation in Europe, the majority of the world’s Jews, Hasids, crowded the villages known as shtetls. Fiddl

The Solar Storm: Dennis Fetcho – The Long Struggle (7-17-16)
July 17, 2016

The Solar Storm Kyle speaks with Dennis Fetcho of Inside the Eye Live about a wide range of topics, including: their shared experience years ago dealing with esoteric issues and jewish control, how things have changed since then, Dennis’s work &hel

July 17, 2016

Kikejews destroy the pure states of Natural Law. They must go.

Radio Show Hour 2
July 17, 2016

Our engrossing conversation from the first hour continues. James also talks about his decision to turn down an opportunity to be featured in the New York Times.

Radio Show Hour 3
July 17, 2016

Guest: David Duke – Former Representative David Duke (R-LA) returns to TPC to discuss his potential run for Congress.

Radio Show Hour 1
July 17, 2016

James Edwards and his team discuss this week’s terrorist attack in France and the escalating racial tensions in America.

Renegade Roundtable: Nick & Shield Maiden Host (7-16-16)
July 17, 2016

Renegade Roundtable Nick Spero of Circus Maximus and Shield Maiden take calls and discuss a whole lot of topics, including: chimpouts, the Republican convention protests, the attempted Turkey coup, the Nice truck attack, the race mixing agenda, Alt Right