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We are All White Trash Now
September 02, 2016

2,122 words Poor White Trash! Hillbillies! Rural poverty! It cannot have escaped your notice that we’re having a rash of stuff on this topic right now. Books, columns, thumb-sucking op-eds, talking-head concern-trolls nattering away on PBS

Identitarians in the Sandbox
September 02, 2016

1,437 words An interesting segment from the Rachel Maddow Show aired recently. In the clip, Maddow seemed beside herself with wonder at the presence of UKIP’s Nigel Farage at a Donald Trump rally in Mississippi. Calling UKIP “racist” and

Two’s Company, Three’s Allowed (9-1-16)
September 02, 2016

TCTA –  Tonight on the broadcast, Shaun speaks about Microcephaly.  That’s right Ladies and Gents, if it’s not enough that the jews are stealing your children’s minds through indoctrination in schools, they also like to

Truth Hertz: More 9/11 Passenger Cancellations (9-1-16)
September 01, 2016

Truth Hertz –  Charles continues his discussion of all the people who were lucky enough to cancel their flights on 9/11.… Read the rest The post Truth Hertz: More 9/11 Passenger Cancellations (9-1-16) appeared first on Renegade Broadcas

Teaching White Nationalism in a Chinese University
September 01, 2016

4,571 words My name is Riki and I am a man of East Asian extraction currently living and working in the neo-imperialist China, a land of unabashed and unapologetic racial bias and ethnocentrism. I speak and write Japanese, English, and Chinese fluently. I

Dinosaur News: Rhodesia & Invasion of the West (8-31-16)
August 31, 2016

Dinosaur News –  Beattie Boy talks about what happened to Rhodesia, reading from Douglas Reed, then moved on to discuss the dire straits our people face right now, especially in regards to the invasion, and what needs to be done.… Read

UnSpun 037 – “Dr. Kate Rhéaume-Bleue: Vit. K2 and the Calcium Paradox”
August 31, 2016

Aired August 30-31, 2016. Dr Kate Rhéaume Bleue joins us to discuss her research on Vitamin K2 and the Calcium Paradox. Joe's out sick. Audio only version:

Matt Flavel - Asatru: Native Spirituality of European Folk
August 31, 2016

Matt Flavel serves on the board of directors for the Asatru Folk Assembly. We begin with a preliminary consideration of Asatru. As Matt explains, Asatru is an ancient religion that was revived during the 70s. Matt tells us about his spiritual journey, whi

A White Nationalist Memo to White Male Republicans
August 31, 2016

2,989 words Editor’s Note: If you want to know why White Nationalism is spreading like wildfire among white Republicans, especially men, this article is where it usually starts. First published November 9, 2012, after the defeat of Mitt Romney, it i

The Insider Threat, From an Alt-Right Viewpoint
August 31, 2016

3,887 words Once I listened to a counter-intelligence agent from the US government give a lecture. He was discussing internal threats, that is to say people who are somehow in the service of the US government who betray secrets or go on to engage in terro