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Azzmador (Radio Wehrwolf)
September 06, 2016

Azzmador (Radio Wehrwolf)

Truth Hertz: Occult Connections of 9/11 (9-6-16)
September 06, 2016

Truth Hertz – Charles discusses how the events surrounding 9/11 all fit into an occult framework, consistent with the magical practices of our sick rulers.… Read the rest The post Truth Hertz: Occult Connections of 9/11 (9-6-16) appeared fir

In Their Hearts They Know We’re Right
September 06, 2016

2,128 words A few years ago I realized I did not know what I believed. A great deal of this had to do with the fact that I was a philosophy major. If you ask a philosopher if he believes in X he mentally translates that question into “can I prove th

“So the last shall be first . . .” Alinsky’s Farting Negroes
September 06, 2016

1,842 words The term “negritude” (roughly self-aware blackness) came into common currency in the 1930s and 1940s among a loose alliance of francophone Black poets and intellectuals, most them from France’s colonial empire. It was part of

Counter-Currents/North American New Right Newsletter: August 2016
September 05, 2016

787 words Dear Friends of Counter-Currents, 1. Our Readership and Web Traffic  August’s traffic hit a new high, crossing the threshold of 140,000 unique visitors for the first time. Thank you — readers, writers, donors, all of you&nb

The Graham Hart Show: O’Keefe Scandal & Dennis Wise (9-5-16)
September 05, 2016

The Graham Hart Show –  Following Last week’s story of Max Igan exposing Ken O’Keefe as a fraudster, Graham goes live to The Richie Allen Show in the first hour, to hear Ken respond to the allegations made by Max … Read the

Protest Blues: An Alt-Right Take on Colin Kaepernick
September 05, 2016

1,161 words We can pretty much tell how far along a conservative is on the road to the Alt-Right by gauging his reaction to the latest storm-in-a-teacup outrage still brewing on social media. On August 26th, San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernic

Nicholas Guyatt’s Bind Us Apart: How Enlightened Americans Invented Racial Segregation
September 05, 2016

6,901 words Nicholas Guyatt Bind Us Apart: How Enlightened Americans Invented Racial Segregation New York: Basic Books, 2016 Throughout history, whites have tended to feel a need to dissect the philosophical implications and practical consequences of thei

The Vandal Brothers’ The American Militant Nationalist Manifesto
September 05, 2016

959 words Sacco Vandal and Vanzetti Vandal The American Militant Nationalist Manifesto Bath, Ohio: Vandal Brothers, 2015 The American Militant Nationalist Manifesto is an important book. And that is true for several reasons. First and foremost, becau

The Solar Storm: Fired Up at the Frauds (9-4-16)
September 04, 2016

The Solar Storm –  Kyle does a solo show, discussing the role of visionaries, the judeo-christian plan for a jew world order, the cucked leaders of the alt right, the gullible goyim who are stupid enough to play party politics, &hell