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Blitz: The Shocking Origins of the Jeffrey Epstein Case (8-7-19)
August 07, 2019

Blitz – Kyle reads the first part of Whitney Webb’s series of articles that puts the Epstein case in much greater context.… Read the rest The post Blitz: The Shocking Origins of the Jeffrey Epstein Case (8-7-19) appeared first on Rene

Poseidon - Greece's Economy Was Wrecked by Globalists to Initiate the Migrant Crisis - Hour 1
August 07, 2019

Poseidon from Greece joins Henrik to talk about how the globalists started the migration crisis by crashing the Greek economy and taking out Gaddafi in Libya. We talk about some recent stories coming out of Germany, the UK and Spain. In Part two we disse

Fired Up: Recent Ridiculous PsyOp Shootings (8-6-19)
August 06, 2019

Fired Up – Tonight Sinead talks about the recent psy ops. how the father of one of the “shooters” is tied to John of God, a Brazilian child trafficker, and plays some crisis actor clips and awards the best crisis actor award.… R

Gator - The Far-Left Radicals That Might Have Inspired The Dayton Shooter - Hour 1
August 06, 2019

Gator joins Henrik to talk about the Dayton shooter, whom he followed on social media and those who might have inspired him. We also discuss how quickly the media and the activists was willing to fling blame after El Paso, but were very reluctant to acce

Ron Unz on the Subprime Mortgage Crisis, The Unz Review, and the Harvard Admissions Scandal – Episode #10 (Manifold)
August 06, 2019

Ron Unz on the Subprime Mortgage Crisis, The Unz Review, and the Harvard Admissions Scandal – Episode #10 (Manifold) https://s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/manifold-podcast-public/manifold-010.mp3 https://manifoldlearning.com/2019/05/16/episode-010-podcast/

Truth Hertz: They Love to Lie to Us, Heebs and Hyksos (8-5-19)
August 05, 2019

Truth Hertz – Charlie talks about the recent staged shootings and takes some calls, then gets into the last part of his notes about the connections between Egyptian figures and Biblical characters. … Read the rest The post Truth Hertz: They

Mass shooting advice on The Eagle's Nest
August 05, 2019

This show will be all about getting out of a mass shooting unscathed. What to look for when going in to a large populated structure. Knowing your exits and have an exit stratagy. Use what weapon's you have at your disposal if not armed. Be a hero or a sta

Solar Storm: Can You Smell What the Rabbi is Cooking? (8-4-19)
August 04, 2019

Solar Storm –  Kyle talks about FBI targeting pro-Whites and conspiracy theorists, the three recent shootings and all the insanity involved, anti-Whites jews and their genocidal agenda, and much more.… Read the rest The post Solar Storm: Can

Water filtration and fire starting on Dirt Cheap Preppers
August 04, 2019

Ok now that we have our bug out bag squared away we need to start talking about items to put inside of it. Let’s start with two of the most basic yet most important items. The items we need covering water filtration and fire building. Sounds pretty easy r

After 100 Years, part 2 (American Dissident Voices)
August 04, 2019

After 100 Years, part 2 (American Dissident Voices) https://audio.nationalvanguard.com/programs/ADV%202019-0727%20After%20100%20Years%20part%202.mp3 https://nationalvanguard.org/2019/07/after-100-years-part-2/