

Roger Devlin - Islamic Spain: A Multicultural Lie & Trump Reboots American Politics - Hour 1

July 22, 2016

F. Roger Devlin, Ph.D. is an independent scholar. He is the author of Alexandre Kojeve and the Outcome of Modern Thought, Sexual Utopia in Power, and many essays and reviews in such publications as The Occidental Quarterly, American Renaissance, Counter-Currents, VDare, Modern Age, The Social Contract, Alternative Right, and The Last Ditch. A bibliography of his work is available online at Devliniana.
In the first hour, Roger discusses his review of The Myth of the Andalusian Paradise: Muslims, Christians, and Jews under Islamic Rule in Medieval Spain by Dario Fernandez-Morera – a book that refutes the glorification and romanticizing of civilizations that have supposedly reached the same pinnacle of success as Western civilizations. Roger outlines Fernandez-Morera’s analysis of the Moorish conquering of Spain that began with the Arab invasion of 711 AD, when towns were brutally massacred under threat of accepting the Koran or the sword. We discuss the Germanic Visigoths who were in control of the Iberian Peninsula during this time frame and had built up a civilization based in the ways of the Roman Empire. We consider how the current Islamic invasion echoes past religious intolerance, as we’re seeing the utopian dream of multiculturalism trampling on the cultural traditions of the West. Roger emphasizes the reality of the Muslim way of thinking in that the religion of Islam has no comprehension of Western values of female self-determination and self-control, and he says their contemptuous view of women is simply a fundamental tenet that cannot be unlearned or assimilated within the West. Roger has long predicted that feminists would be at the forefront of ushering in another Muslim invasion, as their total lack of understanding of the authoritarian nature of the Muslim religion has ironically created a bridge to the destruction and replacement of the liberal values feminists value most.
In the member hour, we get into the current radicalization of US politics and the unraveling of an ideology that can be seen in the common thread of both Trump and Sanders camps demonstrating Americans’ deep dissatisfaction with the status quo. Roger talks about how Trump has managed to coalesce around the Nationalist movement and warns that we will probably see, yet again, just how little power our presidential puppets have over the liberal democrat policymakers. We look at how the Black Lives Matter movement is working in favor of the Trump campaign, along with why the media has decided to turn on the police and blow the issue of violence against blacks completely out of proportion. Roger points to the religion of modern liberalism and the mainstream media’s emotional programming of the uneducated as the root of the demographic decline of America’s founding stock, and we measure up how the doctrine of equality has fooled many into believing that the immigrant collective is interested in adopting the objectivity of White Western liberals. Then, Roger explains how the decay of the bourgeoisie and the rise of the managerial class to power has shaped the ideology of instant gratification and consumerism as manifested in the globalist corporate model and the bureaucratic monstrosity of government. At the end, we turn our thoughts to educating our future generations of leaders on the follies of racial diversity and the importance of preserving the cultural identity.