Taboo Topics by Fashion First Aid

Taboo Topics by Fashion First Aid

Taboo Topics by Fashion First Aid: Special Halloween Edition

October 31, 2014

Happy Halloween! Are you ready for trick-or-treating? Honest Kim and Annie the Psychic Sidekick discuss Halloween Costumes, some tricks and some yummy treats.  They will announce the ‘Dick of the Week,” winner and give their weekly psychic prediction. Tune in at 10:45 am PST. #podcast   #Halloween

Podcast summary:

1. Costume Ideas for Halloween: Douche Bag, Super Hero, Military, Synchronized Swimmer and more.

2. Dick of the Week, and the winner is… Honest Kim. She is working hard to right her wrong.

3. Prediction: Good times are to be had and people will be in a forgiving mood so have it in your heart to forgive someone. Make sure you drink Champagne, watch football and wear a costume for Halloween. Your lucky numbers are 1, 5, 7, 11, 52 and 27.