The Fashionability Channel

The Fashionability Channel

In the Loop with Marana and Laura on Nutrition Basics

September 04, 2015

Having trouble starting, or restarting, a healthy lifestyle? Have questions about how to get motivated, how to improve your nutritional intake, or just want to get a better handle on calories and portion control? Join FitLoop expert Marana Weber as she talks with Laura about a few simple guidelines you can use to gain control over your diet. You can follow Marana on Twitter at @maranaloop or, if you have any questions you want answered one-on-one, write to and type "In the Loop" on the subject line. Check out the Twitter chat with Marana on Friday, September 4th, 2015 at noon Pacific time for even more valuable tips on fitness and nutrition. Be sure to use the hashtag #fitloop to participate!