Fantastical Truth

248. What Are Fairy-Tale Retellings? | with Kendra E. Ardnek
After her fairy godmother’s magic act, Cinderella carefully slips her feet into—a set of fine glass seven-league boots.[1. Photo by Tim Rebkavets on Unsplash.] She clicks her heels three times and is whisked away to the land of Oz. Meanwhile, a beautiful princess flees from the prophecy of a deadly spindle. She discovers the house of seven dwarves, where she must hide from a wicked witch along with the witch’s evil sidekick, Rumplestiltskin. What are fairy tale retellings? How do they reenchant us?
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- Enclave Publishing: The Unraveling of Emlyn DuLaine by Lindsay Franklin
- Sunrise Publishing: Squire of Truth by Jill Williamson
- Kickstarter for A Study in Shattered Spells by Josiah DeGraaf
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Backstory: Kendra E. Ardnek
Kendra E. Ardnek fell in love with the Nutcracker at the age of two, and has been collecting figurines ever since in hopes that one will someday come to life and marry her. In the mean-time, she’s sought out other lands and creatures, and has been asked by many to record their stories.
She’s the oldest of four children, and has plenty of cousins. She has just enough woods in her backyard to explore and think she’s miles away from any hint of civilization, yet not too much to get lost in. There is even a tree that looks like a four, and a waterfall (when it rains). She also loves to knit and crochet.
1. Why do all kinds of readers love classic fairy tales?
- Kids re-read classic fairy tales because they’re simple, fun, memorable
- Older kids/teens/YA enjoy these too, especially the “retelling” versions
- Adults like to research them for their deeper and often biblical truth
2. And why do readers also love retelling fairy tales?
- Any adaptation (even Disney ones) helps bring out new/old meanings
- Retellings can freshen an old story with new plot twists, settings, finales.
- Sometimes a retelling can blend other stories, like in this show’s intro.
3. How long may this fairy-tale retelling trend last?
- One way or another, we shall always enjoy new versions of old stories.
- That’s because most fairy tales reflect the simple virtues of God’s law.
- And fairy tales offer not just “tropes” but reflections of eternal heroes.
Com station
Which are your favorite fairy tales to re-read, retell, or research?