Fantastical Truth

Fantastical Truth

223. Why Celebrate Stories #MadeByHumans?

July 30, 2024

“Then the LORD said to Joshua, ‘Stretch out the javelin that is in your hand toward Ai, for I will give it into your hand.’” Well, there you have it. God opposes artificial intelligence. But when many people see advantages to these generative tools, how can we celebrate the virtue of stories made by humans? Lorehaven has one way: a hashtag campaign (along with buttons and book stickers) just launched at Realm Makers called #MadeByHumans. We’ll talk about this important idea and cover each day of the conference for Realm Makers 2024.

Episode sponsors

  1. Enclave Publishing at Realm Makers
  2. The Katrosi Revolution series by Jamie Foley
  3. Lorehaven Open World at Realm Makers

Mission update

Day 1: Keynote ideas, fan reunions, real imagination
Day 2: Realm Awards, worldview lens, cosplay wins

Day 3: Guild quests, resisting machines, future hope
Next on Fantastical Truth

On the road for Realm Makers, without notes or home studio, we like you await our next topic as we keep seeking and finding His fantastical truth.