Fantastical Truth

Fantastical Truth

Latest Episodes

213. Are ‘Memes’ and Viral Content Ruining Fantastical Franchises?
May 21, 2024

Many movies and shows seem designed to go viral and provoke free promotion based on flippant references instead of sincere story value.

212. Should Video Games Star Sensual Heroines? | with Paeter Frandsen and Cap Stewart
May 14, 2024

Just as bad religious rules can barely restrain our visual sins, secular legalism can't make us respect game heroines as human beings.

211. Why Do Failed Heroes Feel So Frustrating?
May 07, 2024

Fans want to cheer our heroes despite their bad choices, including King David in history, King Arthur in mythology, and Paul Atreides in fiction.

210. What Can First-Time Guests Expect at a Christian Writers' Conference? | with J. J. Johnson
April 30, 2024

Christian authors make amazing stories while conferences like Realm Makers help make the authorsand are poised to grow even bigger.

209. How Can We Avoid Clichéd Criticism of Christian Fiction?
April 23, 2024

If you still think Christian-made stories have shallow heroes and cheap evangelism, you may be surprised how much these stories have grown.

208: How Does The Logos Theatre Adapt Narnia for the Stage? | with Noah Stratton
April 16, 2024

The Logos Theatre producer and actor arrives from a magical train station to explore stage performance and puppetry for Christs glory.

207. Should We Get Mad When Christians Scorn Fantastical Fiction?
April 09, 2024

When mechanistic critics accuse you of valuing entertainment over holiness, we can graciously challenge their mechanical beliefs.

206. Can Pictures of Jesus Fool People Into Worshiping Idols? | with Jenneth Dyck
April 02, 2024

Some critics claim that Easter pageants, streaming dramas, or Christ-figures in fantastical novels are graven images that lead to idolatry.

205. How Will Jesus Save Us From Suffering and Death? | with J. J. Fischer
March 26, 2024

The Nightingale Trilogy and Soul Mark Duology author joins us to celebrate how Christ will destroy humankinds last enemy.

204. How Does Jesus Save Us From Our Own Wicked Villainy?
March 19, 2024

Jesus doesnt only save people from Satan and suffering, but from the worst plot-twist enemy all alongthe darkness of our human hearts.
