Family Life Podcasts

Family Life Podcasts

Inside Out Ep.35

July 15, 2021

Does Anything Really Threaten the Faith?

Does anything we face really threaten the Gospel? The answer is no, according to today’s Inside Out guest, Dr. John Mark Yeats. The Gospel is stronger than we give it credit for. Jesus told us that He would build His Church and not even the gates of Hell will prevail against it (Matthew 16:17-19), so nothing we think of as a threat will defeat it.

Yeats is the Vice President of Student Services and Professor of Church History at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and Spurgeon College in Kansas City, Missouri.

“Over all of these 2,000 years since Jesus walked on the earth and died and rose again, victor over death, nothing has unseated Him as Lord,” he says.

But when we focus on fighting what we think of as threats, and can leave undone the work God’s given us: to tell others about Him.

“We can build a bunker mentality that gets to a place where we start to move off-mission because we’re more concerned about protecting what we have,” he says.

Join us for today’s 16-minute podcast.

You can read “What is the Greatest Threat to the Gospel,” the Lifeway Research article that inspired the conversation. Find it here.

Learn more about Dr. John Mark Yeats.