Family Life Podcasts

Family Life Podcasts

Eight Days of Hope – Quick response to tornadoes – 5/07/24

May 07, 2024

“God has given us the opportunity to love and serve the brokenhearted.”

The “Eight Days of Hope” ministry is on the scene where tornadoes created multiple disaster zones in the past couple of weeks.

New-York-based Steve Tybor gives us an update on how the volunteers and equip get mobilized, to respond to the tangible needs while also bringing Christian hope.

Tybor tells Family Life’s Mark Webster about the midwestern response, their efforts to shelter young women caught up in human trafficking, and the upcoming annual trip to Buffalo for a week-plus of work in neighborhoods in need. This is the fifth year for the Buffalo projects — in the previous four, they have rehabbed homes of 1,200 families. Individuals, couples and families can participate in that work, even for fewer than eight days.

The national “Eight Days” effort has involved 60,000 volunteers.