Family Life Podcasts

Family Life Podcasts

Faith Under Fire – Communists Seeking Christianity – 5/02/24

May 02, 2024

Communists Seeking Christianity – Family Life’s “Faith Under Fire”

As the Soviet Union’s government was crumbling, leaders there turned to American Christians to seek solutions to the problems of the USSR.

John Bernbaum and prominent Christian evangelist Philip Yancey were invited to Russia, to tell how faith could overcome the social and moral problems there.  Bernbaum gives highlights of this fascinating story to Family Life’s Greg Gillispie.

You will hear how a National Prayer Breakfast in Washington DC led to invitations for a Christian delegation to talk with Soviet groups, how political and economic problems are rooted in a lack of values and morals in the culture, and Bernbaum’s comments on lessons from the 1990’s Soviets which should inspire church folks in 2020’s America.

John Bernbaum and Philip Yancey are co-authors of “What Went Wrong: Russia’s Lost Opportunity and the Path to Ukraine”