Family Life Podcasts

Family Life Podcasts

Capital Connection – 3/22/24

March 22, 2024

Capital Connection” on Family Life

Two family-values watchdogs join the Family Life Noon Report each Friday, to recap and analyze the biggest social, cultural and political stories of the week. Among the events and issues on the agenda for Jason McGuire and Michael Geer this week:

  • New York is losing support for government support of legalized marijuana (but doubling down anyway)
  • Pro-abortion matters in the PA legislature and pro-life matters in a number of Pennsylvania communities
  • Bypassing doctors, Governor Hochul says pharmacies can dispense abortion-inducing drugs, without a prescription
  • The start of “March Madness” is a prime time to evaluate sports betting in our two states

Jason McGuire is executive director of an advocacy/educational group which recently updated its name and logo to reemphasize its mission: New York Families.

Michael Geer founded the Pennsylvania Family Institute in 1989, serving as its president since that time.


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