Family Life Podcasts

Family Life Podcasts

Hamas vs. Israel – a local Christian perspective – Mike Aleprete – 10/16/23

October 16, 2023

A special Family Life Interview

A week and a half into violence on Israel’s southern border, what do Americans need to know — about Hamas, Palestine, Israel, and another chapter of Middle East war?

A reasoned, expert, Christian perspective from an International Studies professor at a local Christian university. Dr. Mike Aleprete teaches Political Science at Westminster College, and has expertise about the Middle East and eastern Europe. Family Life’s Greg Gillispie asked Professor Aleprete about key matters for us to wisely analyze what is happening as Hamas committed terroristic acts, and Israeli defense forces respond:

  • What should we know about Hamas? 
  • What motivated them to strike at this time?
  • What is likely to happen next in that region?
  • What should Christian observers know about the residents of Gaza who are caught in this crossfire?
  • How does he interpret anti-Israel demonstrations on American college campuses and in many U.S. cities?