Family Life Podcasts

Family Life Podcasts

Faith Under Fire – PA taxpayer funds pulled from pro-life pregnancy centers – 09/07/23

September 07, 2023

“Faith Under Fire”

Reaction continues to the Pennsylvania governor’s decision to cut off state money from Real Alternatives, a network of pregnancy resource centers across the Commonwealth. Alexis Sneller, a policy analyst with the Pennsylvania Family Institute says previous governors — Democrats and Republicans — have been okay with those funds going to Planned Parenthood and to pro-life organizations.

Sneller says Planned Parenthood of Pennsylvania has extensive and expensive lobbying efforts to shut down pro-baby options and to emphasize the only option Planned Parenthood favors for women and couples who come to them: abortion.

In this interview, Sneller gives her take on why Planned Parenthood has been so active in befriending the new governor and lobbying Pennsylvania’s lawmakers. She also talks about what Pregnancy Resource Centers offer to women, babies and families, during pregnancy and afterwards. She also talks about current trends among the general population in the state about support for and opposition to abortion.