Family Life Podcasts

Family Life Podcasts

Hometown Heroes – Hannah Bender – Foster Hope NY – 06/20/23

June 20, 2023

This week we feature the founder of “Foster Hope New York”, a ministry which helps pair up local foster care kids with families. Hannah Bender started by connecting with one fostering family in the Syracuse area just a few years ago. This ministry added a foster club, and now helps to “fill in gaps” as needed in the foster and adoptive community in central New York.

The program includes advocacy and recruitment. There are support groups for foster families, for those in foster care, and for teens and young adults who have aged out of foster care. Donors stock a Foster Closet. Its clothing and toys and supplies are especially needed for the first day — or the first night — of a placement of a child or teen, especially if that happens on an emergency basis.

Hear about how Bender discovered how to enact her personal motivation to help these young people, as well as how you can become involved. Foster Hope acknowledges that not everyone can become a foster family — but says everyone can do something to create positive experiences and outcomes for the kids they call their “little warriors”