Family 360 Podcast

Latest Episodes
Ep. 83b – Maggie Dent – Do Parents Unintentionally Promote People Pleasing?
'People pleasing sounds like a positive pursuit, thought the parent who wrote in todays question. Its not! People-pleasing involves dishonoring yourself to honor someone else. Maggie Dent suggests
Ep. 83a – Maggie Dent – Are Birthday Parties Needed For A Child’s Social Success?
A Moms wondering if she can bypass hosting a birthday party for her soon to be 7 year old, without alienating her daughters friendships at school. Her daughter attends at least one birthday party a
Ep. 83 – Maggie Dent – Raising Mighty Girls and Women
Raising girls is complicated. - In spite of all our empowerment messages, rates of stress, anxiety, and depression are on the rise for girls. Studies indicate a girl's confidence drops by 30% between
Ep. 82c – Rachel Cram – How Do We Express Emotions In Front Of Our Kids?
Is it appropriate to cry in front of your children? To be angry? To show frustration? How we express our emotions in front of our kids is an important component to their emotional development and in t
Ep. 82b – Rachel Cram – What To Do When Parents Parenting Styles Differ?
In this episode, a parent asks, Will our kids be confused by the difference between my partner's and my parenting style? - Its not uncommon when one parent leans one way in an aspect of parenting f
Ep. 82a – Rachel Cram – What To Do With Whining
A parent expresses concern for her 3-year-old's constant state of aggravation and whininess. Her daughter seems to wake up out of sorts. The parent is trying to be patient but is struggling and feels
Ep. 82 – Rachel Cram – Feelings Wo-o-o Feelings: Emotional Development in Kids
Unlike IQ, EQ (emotional quotient) matures mainly through nurture - how our caregivers respond to us and role model their own emotional growth. - This week on family360 were digging into the profound
Ep. 81 – Dr. Kristy Goodwin – SCREENS! Tots To Teens
Dr. Kristy Goodwin believes bombarding parents with warnings about pornography, social media, and screen addiction renders us ineffective. Techno-guilting turns us off and shuts us down. And, expectin
Ep. 80 – Sandy Oshiro Rosen – Get Dancing/Get Healing
This episode explores the healing power of movement with dance director and author of Bare - The Misplaced Art of Grieving and Dance, Sandy Oshiro Rosen. - North American society notoriously gears us
Ep. 79 – Dr. Hillary McBride – Buffering Kids From Body Shame
In this episode, were talking with Dr. Hillary McBride about why 90% of children, who freely run, roll, wiggle and laugh when they are young, become so unhappy with their bodies later on in life, and