Faithful Innovation Podcast

Faithful Innovation Podcast

Ep 014 Authentic Relationships with Jason and Ashley Phelps

August 22, 2018

What would the world see if people in churches opened their homes to welcome in families, the lonely, people new to town, to gather, build friendships, care for one another and give thanks to God?  Jason and Ashley live a missional community lifestyle doing this very thing, and are helping other to do it too.

They are learning that real relationships take time, they can’t be rushed.  Each relationship is unique and takes time to build. By having regular time together, the elements of trust in a relationship are built one step at a time, and when people are cared for with the love of God, beautiful things can happen!  

Jason and Ashley are also singer-songwriters known as “The Homesteaders.”  This episode closes with one of their original songs!

Join my conversation with Jason and Ashley Phelps and hear how God is shaping them and those whom they have welcomed in. 





Question of the Week

Join us in the Faithful Innovation Lab, a Private Facebook Group where we discuss the ways God is faithfully innovating our lives.  This week’s question:

  • In what way could you open your home and begin building new and authentic relationships with people around you?
  • For what could you express your thankfulness to God in such a way that helps other people catch a glimpse of his goodness?

Complimentary Conversation

If you have something stirring and would like to share, jump over and select a Complimentary Appointment.  I’d be delighted to help you explore what God may have in mind.

The Podcast releases every Wednesday Morning

Hopefully, this inspires your expression of faith, that’s the goal!

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