Podcasts | Faithelement

Podcasts | Faithelement

Latest Episodes

7.47 Hannah’s Anchor
November 02, 2015

Hannah's Anchor For the session to be discussed on November 15, 2015 1 Samuel 1:1-28 In this episode we encounter the story of Hannah as she is tormented in many ways because she does not have a child. We discuss the treatment of childless women in a...

7.46 Unconventional Means
October 25, 2015

For the session to be discussed on November 8, 2015 Ruth 3:1-4:21 Rabbi Seth Oppenheimer again joins us as a featured guest to help us discuss the last two chapters of the book of Ruth. We talk about the ways these women were strong and showed real in...

7.45 Motivating Factors
October 18, 2015

For the session to be discussed on November 1, 2015 Ruth 1:1-2:23 Rabbi Seth Oppenheimer joins us as a featured guest to help us discuss the first two chapters of the book of Ruth. We talk about the expectations of Ruth and Naomi's time,

7.44 Contrasting Stories
October 11, 2015

For the session to be discussed on October 25, 2015 Mark 10:46-52 The experience of Jesus and the blind beggar, Bartimaeus, leads to a discussion of the ways we can be "blind" to the very things we need most. Are we able to speak up, as Bartimaeus does,

7.43 Ignoring our Instincts
October 04, 2015

For the session to be discussed on October 18, 2015 Mark 10:32-45 This week we discuss the how well we "get it" (or not) that Christian discipleship is one that leads to service rather than to power. What does it mean to say the last will be first?

7.42 Attachment Distractions
September 25, 2015

For the session to be discussed on October 11, 2015 Mark 10:17-31 Jesus tells a young man who asks about eternal life, "...go, sell what you own, and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven.

7.41 Raising the Bar
September 20, 2015

For the session to be discussed on October 4, 2015 Mark 10:1-16 What is this passage really about? Divorce? marriage? power? The team discusses the kinds of abuses that could occur in the culture of the 1st Century,

7.40 Community at Prayer
September 12, 2015

For the session to be discussed on September 27, 2015 James 5:13-20 Does prayer really work? How should we pray? The team discusses the ways we often approach prayer, and how prayer within a congregation can affect the health of the relationships betw...

7.39 Befriending God
September 06, 2015

Befriending God For the session to be discussed on September 20, 2015 James 3:13-4:8 Nikki Hardeman returns to the podcast in this episode. The team discusses how alien James' words can seem in our culture ("willing to yield").

7.38 Sticks and Stones
August 29, 2015

Sticks and Stones For the session to be discussed on September 13, 2015 James 3:1-12 The team chats about the power of the tongue to curse or bless. David and Daniel share stories from their high school days,