Podcasts | Faithelement

Podcasts | Faithelement

Latest Episodes

8.04 Hometown Boy
January 10, 2016

Hometown Boy For the session to be discussed on January 24, 2016 Luke 4:14-21 In this episode we take a look at Jesus’ return to his hometown, where he reads scripture and preaches in the synagogue. What must it have been like for him and those who saw...

8.03 Signs of Abundance
January 04, 2016

Signs of Abundance For the session to be discussed on January 17, 2016 John 2:1-11 We have a lot of fun discussing this familiar passage from John, where Jesus performs his first miracle — turning the water into wine at a wedding feast.

8.02 Obedience or Identity?
December 29, 2015

Obedience or Identity? For the session to be discussed on January 10, 2016 Luke 3:15-22 Our focus this week is the baptism of Jesus and the meaning of our baptisms. Why was Jesus baptized? What do our baptisms have to do with identity?

8.01 Creatively Redemptive
December 21, 2015

Creatively Redemptive For the session to be discussed on January 3, 2016 Psalm 147:12-20 Do we think of God as creative? As an artist? What does it mean to see God as creatively at work healing and redeeming our world? On this Podcast:

7.53 Presence of Christ
December 15, 2015

Presence of Christ For the session to be discussed on December 27, 2015 1 Samuel 2:18-26 In this episode, we look at the contrast between Samuel and Eli's sons, wondering what led them to be so different.

7.52 A Simple Time
December 06, 2015

A Simple Time For the session to be discussed on December 20, 2015 Micah 5:2-5a In this episode, we look at a text from Micah written some 700+ years before the birth of Jesus, yet where a birth in Bethlehem is prophesied.

7.51 Rejoice?
November 30, 2015

Rejoice? For the session to be discussed on December 13, 2015 Zephaniah 3:14-20 In this episode, we take a look at the meaning of the Advent candles, and why this text appears for the Sunday of Advent focused on joy. Do we hear joy in God's voice?

7.50 One Heck of a Baby Announcement
November 22, 2015

One Heck of a Baby Announcement For the session to be discussed on December 6, 2015 Luke 1:68-79 In this episode, we take at the birth announcement of John the Baptist, and along the way take a look at fear and hope, darkness and light.

7.49 The Not Yet Time
November 16, 2015

The "Not Yet" Time For the session to be discussed on November 29, 2015 1 Thessalonians 3:6-13 The first Sunday of Advent finds us talking about hope and waiting. Where do we find ourselves waiting? Where are we tired of waiting?

7.48 David’s Last Words
November 09, 2015

David's Last Words For the session to be discussed on November 22, 2015 2 Samuel 23:1-7 In this episode we take a look at a passage that offers the last words of King David. We discuss the glowing account it offers,