Podcasts | Faithelement

Podcasts | Faithelement

Latest Episodes

8.23 Changing Paths
May 23, 2016

Changing Paths For the session to be discussed on June 5, 2016 Galatians 1:11-24 The Apostle Paul, in this section of Galatians, Paul speaks of his conversion from persecutor of Christians to follower of Jesus. It’s an amazing testimony.

8.22 People Pleasers
May 16, 2016

People Pleasers For the session to be discussed on May 29, 2016 Galatians 1:1-12 On our first week in the book of Galatians, we explore the root of Paul’s anger toward the Galatians. They are not living and serving as he has taught them.

8.21 Much to Say
May 09, 2016

Much to Say For the session to be discussed on May 22, 2016 John 16:12-15 On this passage for Trinity Sunday, seek understanding about the biblical concept of the Trinity. Our panelists admit their own struggles with explaining the Trinity,

8.20 How Important is Belief?
May 02, 2016

How Important is Belief? For the session to be discussed on May 15, 2016 John 14:8-17 This text falls on Pentecost Sunday — a wonderful time to have a lively conversation about how we so often have difficulty making sense of the work of the Spirit,

8.19 One
April 25, 2016

One For the session to be discussed on May 8, 2016 John 17:20-26 What does it mean to be one in Christ? Is being one equal to being the same? Can we be different and yet one? We often let issues or beliefs (important as they are) come divide us as God’...

8.18 Not Home Alone
April 19, 2016

Not Home Alone For the session to be discussed on May 1, 2016 John 14:23-29 On this episode, we gather for conversation about the gift of the Holy Spirit. Sometimes we are uncomfortable with matters concerning the Spirit because we tend to downplay thi...

8.17 Icky Gross Love
April 11, 2016

Icky Gross Love For the session to be discussed on April 24, 2016 John 13:31-35 (We discuss all of chapter 13) This week’s conversation takes us to the issue of Jesus washing feet. Some of us find it beautiful, others are revolted.

8.16 The Shepherd’s Voice
April 04, 2016

The Shepherd’s Voice For the session to be discussed on April 17, 2016 John 10:22-30 This week’s conversation centers on Jesus’ response to a question about whether he is the Messiah. His response is that those who believe are his sheep,

8.15 The Lord’s Breakfast
March 28, 2016

The Lord’s Breakfast For the session to be discussed on April 10, 2016 John 21:1-19 Join us as we discuss a post-resurrection gospel account of Jesus eating with his friends and offering forgiveness. The text begins with the disciples called to cast th...

8.14 Be Like Thomas
March 21, 2016

Be Like Thomas For the session to be discussed on April 3, 2016 John 20:19-31 Is “doubting Thomas” really the best name for Thomas? What role does doubt play in our faith? How can our churches become places where those who have questions and doubts are...