Podcasts | Faithelement

Podcasts | Faithelement

15.25 Uncommon Decency

June 09, 2023
Uncommon Decency

For the session to be discussed on June 18, 2023
Genesis 18:1-15, 21:1-7

David Cassady
Nikki Hardeman
David Adams
Bert Montgomery

In this story, Abraham is home, where he is visited by three people he didn’t see coming. Given the times and places where people lived back then, if three people drop by, there are two immediate options that come into play: you either treat them as bandits or you show them hospitality. Abraham’s choice to follow the route of hospitality included a lavish meal. While the men were sitting around after the meal one of them advised him that Sara would conceive, and it is only then that the narrative indicates that the travelers speak for The Lord. Of course, Sara listens to this and can’t help laughing. We discuss unexpected kindnesses and their power in our lives.

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