Podcasts | Faithelement

Podcasts | Faithelement

15.15 The Dance of the Merrymakers

March 30, 2023
The Dance of the Merrymakers

For the session to be discussed on April 9, 2023
Jeremiah 31:1-6

Nikki Hardeman
Crystal Shepherd
Bert Montgomery

Today’s text is for Easter Sunday, and it may seem unusual that our text is from Jeremiah.

This story in Jeremiah reminds us that the resurrection found in Jesus — the renewal of the covenant with Israel — is available to us as well. What makes you feel dead this Easter? Where do you feel broken or abandoned? Maybe it’s the loss of a relationship or a job, or maybe it’s just the trauma of the last three years that has set the life out of you. We discuss and give thanks for the places in our lives where we have experienced resurrection. How about you?

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