Podcasts | Faithelement

Podcasts | Faithelement

7.46 Unconventional Means

October 25, 2015

For the session to be discussed on November 8, 2015
Ruth 3:1-4:21

Rabbi Seth Oppenheimer again joins us as a featured guest to help us discuss the last two chapters of the book of Ruth. We talk about the ways these women were strong and showed real initiative in dealing with their situation, as well as why "our sons should be more like Boaz and our daughters like Ruth."

On this Podcast:

Featured Guest: Rabbi Seth Oppenheimer
David Cassady
Nikki Hardeman
Daniel Glaze
Bert Montgomery

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Seth referenced the use of the term "Redeemer" as having various meanings. For example:
In Leviticus 25:47-49 - it means "to Redeem from slavery"
In Ruth 4:1 - it means, "to Redeem, to do the part of a next-of-kin, to act as a kinsman"
Daniel mentions an article from the Huffington Post.
Daniel remembers a scene from the movie, Fried Green Tomatoes