Podcasts | Faithelement

Podcasts | Faithelement

7.38 Sticks and Stones

August 29, 2015

Sticks and Stones

For the session to be discussed on September 13, 2015
James 3:1-12

The team chats about the power of the tongue to curse or bless. David and Daniel share stories from their high school days, and Bert describes how colleges are increasingly taking the power of speech seriously. Darian helps us think about speech by considering wine stains. Rev. Darian Duckworth is our featured guest for this episode.

On this Podcast:

Featured Guest:  Darian Duckworth
David Cassady
Daniel Glaze
Bert Montgomery

Nikki Hardeman was away for this podcast, but will return soon!

Learn more about our team.

Mentioned in this Episode:

Darian mentioned an NPR article on how wine stains.
Bert references a Detrich Bonhoeffer quote: “never call someone vile for whom Christ has died”