Podcasts | Faithelement

Podcasts | Faithelement

7.34 The Wisest Fool

August 02, 2015

The Wisest Fool

For the session to be discussed on August 16, 2015
1 Kings 2:10 — 3:1-14

The team takes a look at the rule of King Solomon — how he began as a wise ruler, yet drifted from that path as he became focused on wealth and power. We also discuss how scripture describes God's view of wisdom. Nikki, David, Bert and Daniel share stories of persons in their lives where they have seen wisdom lived out (including a colorful story by Bert about an arrest on Bourbon Street in New Orleans).

On this Podcast:

Nikki Hardeman
David Cassady
Daniel Glaze
Bert Montgomery

Learn more about our team.

Mentioned in the podcast:

Bert references an article by Walter Brueggamann on wisdom and leadership.