Podcasts | Faithelement

Podcasts | Faithelement

7.33 Terror-Go-Round

July 26, 2015


For the session to be discussed on August 9, 2015
2 Samuel 18:1-33

Bert starts off the conversation with a colorful description of Absalom's hair, Nikki wonders if King David ever regretted the path he chose. Also, did Joab "read between the lines" of David's command? We discuss violence in our culture, and look at how cycles of violence begin and are continued — or broken by love.

On this Podcast:

Nikki Hardeman
David Cassady
Daniel Glaze
Bert Montgomery

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Mentioned in the podcast:

Daniel references Walter Wink’s helpful critique in The Myth of Redemptive Violence

Daniel references news article about comments by NRA board member about Charleston shooting