Podcasts | Faithelement

Podcasts | Faithelement

16.28 Serving up Injustice

July 08, 2024

For the session to be discussed on July 14, 2024

Mark 6:14-29

David Cassady

Lacee Wondree

Nikki Hardeman

David Adams

Daniel Glaze

Today’s episode focuses on a little-used text. During Herod’s birthday feast, a daughter dances, pleasing Herod. He promises her anything she wants. Prompted by her mother, the girl asks for John the Baptist’s head on a platter. Reluctantly, Herod orders John’s execution to keep his oath. John is beheaded, and his head is brought to the girl, who gives it to her mother.

We discuss dynamics in the narrative, including the use of the daughter and the use of power. We also contrast this passage with the feeding of the 5000, which immediately follows it.

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