The Faith By Reason Podcast

The Faith By Reason Podcast

Latest Episodes

Faith in God – Illogical or Reasonable? FBR Podcast #33
January 22, 2018

Faith in God -  Is it an irrational belief it something you can't see?  Or are there instances where faith is logical and reasonable?  Which kind of Faith does God expect from us? The truth is that we ALL live by faith whether you are Christian,

The Reality of The Flood and the Pre-Flood World – FBR Podcast #32
January 11, 2018

Did the Great Flood of Genesis 6 really happen?  If so, was it world-wide or regional?  And do we have any evidence? Also, what might the earth have been like before such a cataclysmic event?  I discuss these questions on this week's podcast -

Noah, The Flood, and the End of Knowledge: FBR Podcast #31
December 21, 2017

Noah and the Great Flood. Why did God flood the earth? Where Did Cain get his wife? Is the “Mark of Cain” racial? Why did pre-Flood people live so long? Is the Gospel Message hidden in Genesis chapter 5? Why did Noah and family escape judgment?

Longing for Eden: the Key to All our Desires – FBR Podcast #30
November 28, 2017

Longing for Eden is at the core of all of our desires. In Eden, mankind had perfect government, perfect fellowship, and perfect provision. Humanity was made for the perfection of Eden and nothing short of that perfection will ever satisfy us.

Forbidden Fruit: Death and Hope – FBR podcast #29
November 03, 2017

The Forbidden fruit was the catalyst for Original sin, death, and the curses God placed on Adam, Eve, and the Nachash (serpent). But what was the forbidden fruit? Was it an apple or a fig (short answer: neither).

Does God Need Evil? How Do We Fight Evil? FBR Podcast #28
October 14, 2017

Does God NEED evil? That question may sound sacrilegious, but when you think about it, the entire Biblical plan of redemption was predicated on the fall of man and the subsequent plan for salvation (through which God showed us His love in the form of t...

Create Good, Destroy Evil – FBR podcast #27
September 29, 2017

To create is good, to destroy is evil. When Adam and Eve ate from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, they obviously gained knowledge of good and evil. But what does that mean? Our definitions of good and evil are often subjective and contradic...

Blood and Words: The Cure for Death – FBR podcast #26
September 12, 2017

Blood is the conduit of physical life according to the Bible. And Jesus stated that Words (thoughts) are the source of spiritual life. We are born dead spiritually and we are dying physically because the blood and thoughts that are meant to nourish and...

Alive and Well, or Dead and Dying – FBR Podcast #25
August 31, 2017

Being alive has to be more than just “not being dead”. Jesus said that He would make you “more alive” and give you abundant life. Those ideas would be impossible if life and death were just binary states of being.

Religious Hypocrisy and the “Nice” Jesus – FBR Podcast#24
July 28, 2017

And why do God's Laws sound religious?