The Faith By Reason Podcast

Latest Episodes
FBR Episode 19 - Was the Eden Serpent a talking snake?
The Serpent is the most infamous character in the Eden narrative. But was Eve really deceived by a talking snake? Biblical, etymological, and logical evidence shows that the Serpent (Nachash in He
FBR Episode 18 - Eden: Paradise Lost
Eden was the paradise we lost due to Original Sin. Would you be surprised to know that Eden was not only a garden but also a great mountain where God held court with his mightiest Angels? Is it possible that the location of Eden affects modern global p...
FBR Episode 17 - Is God humble? The Story of Human History
Humble is not an attribute we generally associate with God. Holy? Yes. Almighty? Sure. Loving, righteous, and all-knowing? Of course. But when was the last time you heard God called humble? Have you
FBR Episode 16 - How to Think Like God and Always be Right
To think like God, you must have a thought process that is always and completely righteous. Believe it or not, we actually have this ability! We use it every day. In fact, we LOVE using it on other
FBR Episode 15 - The Meaning of Life
Heaven is the Meaning of Life! The reason we are so perpetually unsatisfied, the reason we can never be truly happy on earth in spite of our best efforts is because we were created for something, for
FBR Episode 14 - If God is Good, Why is there Evil?
If God is good and all-powerful, then why is there evil in the world? Wouldnt a good, loving, and benevolent Supreme Being stop evil before it happens, and/or immediately punish evil-doers? Whenever
FBR Episode 13 Darwinism, The Deadliest Religion on Earth
Darwin (and ) are not only an affront to empirical science, but he spawned the most cruel, brutal, inhuman, murderous, oppressive, and m
FBR Episode 12 - Evolution for Dummies
Evolution is NOT science! Its an utterly asinine and ludicrous fairy tale promoted by brain-damaged people who voluntarily and intentionally choose to believe what they know is impossible rather than
FBR Episode 11 Biblical Creation and the Age of the Earth
Is Earth billions of years old as evolutionists and Old Earth Creationists say, or is it only a few thousand years old as Young Earth Creationists purport? Does the creation narrative in Genesis 1
FBR Episode 10: Creation - Something out of nothing!
How did God create the universe? The Bible said that He simply spoke it into existence. Is that even scientifically plausible? In this podcast we will look at the physics of creation, and show that it