Faith & Good Counsel Show with Staci Gulino

Faith & Good Counsel Show with Staci Gulino

FGC #309: Coffee Talk for Young Moms – with Erin Franco

July 10, 2018

Blog post by Erin Franco

You are so going to enjoy this episode today with the lovely Erin Franco!  After we catch up a bit, we discussed Erin's blog post entitled "Coffee Talk for Young Moms" which I've quoted below for you.


Coffee Talk for Young Moms (by Erin Franco)

Young mothers have been on my heart lately. Certainly not all young wives are mothers, and not all mothers of little ones are young wives. But in general the first few years of marriage and motherhood, wherever you are, can be incredibly difficult.

For me, many times a cup of coffee and a good conversation with a Titus 2 mom friend has been much-needed moment of encouragement. 

If you happen to be in desperate need of a coffee date like that, would you allow me to treat you to an e-date of sorts? I’m no expert at walking with God through the Little Years, but my heart wants so much to share some of what I’ve learned so far.

So, let’s pretend that we’re at your favorite coffee shop. Just you and me. We have a cozy, private booth in the back corner of the store. Our children are all at home bonding with their fathers and eating nutritious snacks. We have both just purchased the delicious coffee drink of our choice, and there is a large, warm chocolate chunk cookie on the little table in front of us, already cut in half to share (calorie/gluten/soy/dairy/peanut-free if needed:).You have just asked me, “Erin, how do we do this all?! It seems impossible. I’m trying so hard, but I’m drowning most of the time.” Either that or I have simply picked up on the exhaustion, disenchantment and discouragement on your face.:)

First, can I just tell you that I’m right there with you some days? 

Now, let’s take a bite of that cookie. Because Rule #1 is that Chocolate Always Helps. (Just kidding. Sort of. Have you made this yet?!)

Life has so many seasons. It’s a constant ebb and flow and stretching and coasting and then doing it all over again. We get into a good routine and then…growth spurt…job change…out-of-state move…NFP woes…natural disasters..the flu…new baby…

We just can’t do it all, all the time, all at once, or all well. In fact, no other women in history have been asked to do what your average American mom is supposed to be able to do these days.

And of course we’re inadequate to the task. It comes with having a God-given mission. But we mothers join the ranks of Peter, and Moses, and Joshua, and Gideon, and Mary, and a host of other Biblical heroes (and the saints!). God always gives us more than we can handle, because giving us a mission that is more than we can handle is so often the only way that He can get us to fall into His arms so that He can then do some amazing things through us.

The life of faith is a never-ending re-centering of our lives on God: discerning His will and depending on his providence and trusting his timing and blooming where we’re planted. Something that helps so much in any vocation we’re in is to constantly examine ourselves. Every day is great. Every month is helpful. With our spouse is wonderful.

Remember that the mission always goes back to your marriage. Fight for your marriage, and the graces of the sacrament will flow. Let your spouse point you to God, every day, whether its by his holiness or because you’re on your knees in prayer about him. And when you fail and fight and hurt one another over and over and you don’t know how to stop, remember what God wants for you. Something will change, eventually. A phone call, a new acquaintance, a change of heart, a powerful homily, a book…there are so many ways God reaches us. Things will get better, even if the “better” is only that our hearts gain peace by becoming more rooted in God. Work on your own heart, first and always,